Can I Use Vitamin C With Tretinoin
I started using a retin-a cream and a vitamin c serum 3 months ago to help my now 50-year old skin look better. The Retin-A is a prescription cream containing 0.05% tretinoin, it's supposed to stimulate collagen production, clear out my pores, and plump up fine wrinkles. Tretinoin is considered by most dermatologists and skin experts to be the gold standard of anti-aging. The 20% Vitamin C+E Ferulic serum I got is from TimeLess (purchased from It's supposed to speed exfoliation, stimulate collagen production, and lighten dark spots.
I had used these two products together in the past, but went into them both too strong and too fast which lead to my face being red, stinging, and burning, so I stopped both. This time I got a weaker retina-a and eased into it, giving my face time to adjust slowly. I applied it only once a week to start, then worked up to every other night over 2 months. I apply the retina-a every other night, and put on the vitamin c serum every morning. Both products increase sun sensitivity, so I use a high spf sunscreen every day.
Easing into these products has worked out much better for me and after 3 months, I'm starting to see some results, though subtle. I should be seeing even more results in the next 3-9 months as it can take 6 months to a year to really see a change. I'm going to try to increase my retina-a to every night, but will back off if my skin doesn't react well. I've read that it's most effective when used consistently over time.
Here are the before & after pictures so you can see how it's working:
I think the age spots are faded, and overall, the clarity is better. I also feel like my jawline is firmer. I don't really too much change in the fine lines and wrinkles yet, but hopefully that will come. I'm not terribly impressed at this point, but I'll stick with it and put up more pictures in another 3 months.
Can I Use Vitamin C With Tretinoin
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